Thursday, October 28, 2010

Before there was snow.....

Well, I love Kellen so I will not publicly dispute with him online over exactly how "Our Story" of how meeting turned into marriage. Just so all you know though. . . there IS a different version ;) but mostly he did us justice.

I still feel pretty vulnerable subjecting the World Wide Web to my writing but I guess I will try. Well. It has been almost a year since we got engaged (October 30, 2009) and so much has happened since then! But I was just thinking of even before that. Since it is now miserable and cold in Utah, I have been reminising much happier times when their was sun and joy in our lives. The summer before we got engaged Kellen took me on a four-wheeler ride up the mountain by his house in Richfield. It was gorgeous up there! Looking at the pictures made me miss warm and adventurous weather so much! We carved our names in a tree and I just feel like as cliche as it is, it was so adorable! That feeling was reinforced when we went back to that same spot this summer and it was still there. Not as fresh and pretty but the exact same. It made me think that Kellen and I get to spend so much time together and that this is just the beginning. And seeing the tree the same was so cool because it is something that will be there for a long long time just like us! I'm so excited to be able to get to be with Kel! One of my favorite things about marraige is that I can always count on him. He is always there for me and I hope I do not underestimate the value in that. Anyway, I do not have any new pictures on my comp so I decided to post the old ones from that trip! ! !

1 comment:

  1. Don't freak out but I found your blog! And I blog stalked you! You and Kellen are so cute! I'm glad I've been able to spend sometime with you, in our "awesome" classes!
