Sunday, October 31, 2010

The briefest of overviews!

Today it has been exactly a year since Kellen and I got engaged (Happy Halloween!). So I wanted to reminisce briefly over what has happened this past year....

Our First Holiday married: Easter!

That is what we call a proud egg-maker

What is THAT thing?! Let's see if we can give you a close up....

Yes, this egg hung on a wall in our kitchen. And yes it was our only decoration. DO NOT JUDGE people. What do you think we are just made of money?

Our Second Holiday: NBA play-offs

Yes. It is not a nationally recognized holiday. But is should be the way we celebrate in the Madsen household. And yes they are fabulous aren't they? Cookie letters! Made them myself!

Pioneer Day!

The annual Monroe Basketball tournament. The ONLY forgiveable excuse for ever missing is serving a mission. We were there playing street ball until 2 AM.

Then we went camping and back to the spot where we carved our tree.

Look familiar?

Hiking Bridal Veil Falls:

It was really pretty. I loved it! I decided hiking was my new thing... that was the last hike we have been on since...

My little clumsy mistake:

So those of you who think that using a glass cup to drink is not dangerous think again...

I dropped one and got a pretty good cut on my knee. It needed 4 or 5 stitches!


Camping on Bear Lake:

Just Kel and I went camping at Bear lake one night. It was so cool! It got real windy and the water had huge waves like the ocean. I will never forget it. It was amazing.

In the morning our breakfast options were left-over hotdogs, or Bear Lake Raspberry shakes... we obviously needed our fruit serving for the day...

Our Salt Lake Trip: We met one year ago... at a Jazz Game...

Kel surprised me with some much needed away from Provo time. These are the tracks in SLC headed towards the mall.

... it also didn't hurt that we had met at a Jazz game about 2 years earlier and one just happened to be going on that night

GO JAZZ!!!! When you meet your best friend and future spouse at a game, you become fans for life.

Finally Halloween

Seriously, he had the "old-man-taking-a-picture-face" down.

Here is Casey Muir, Kylie Muir, Sean Tanner, Jaime Tanner, and K and J Madsen. We went on a rocking provo river "Creepy Cruise." Seriously, we know how to celebrate.

Our neighbors were seriously showing us up with the size of there pumpkins.. The Old man is just trying to throw his back out lifting one... They are enormous!

Well, that was a short recap of our married life. We do not like to be bored and have found a lot of fun things to do. I truly love the life of a Madsen!


  1. So I saw on FB that you and your wife have a blog. So I checked it out. Super cute! I like it and you two seem really happy together. That is great! :)

  2. I LOVE The blog!! update please!! everyday would be preferable until you move closer to me..
