Friday, January 25, 2013

New York Trip 2011- The Statue of Liberty

I can not believe I did not post any pictures of my first trip to New York! To celebrate my graduation from BYU,  my sisters Nikki and Rebecca and my cousin Cami and I all went to New York City.  It was amazing! Seriously I cannot believe how many things we saw and how different it is from anything I have seen before. Everything is so BUSY and I felt like everyone had someplace really important to be.  Even though we went in February and it was freezing outside there was always a million other people on the streets bustling about.  Becky got us organized and scheduled as much of New York as possible into the 3 days that we were there and I would have to say it was pretty successful.  Here are the pictures from our first day that we started out by going to the Statue of Liberty.  

Here are Me and Cami waiting for the ferry to take us to the Statue of Liberty, just taking in the sights.

Me, Nicole, and Rebecca waiting in line for the ferry.We arrived in NY at like one o'clock AM and then left early to get onto the first ferry boat before there was a long line.
Cami, Nicole, and Rebecca in her shades on the jolly ferry boat.
Becky inside the museum of the statue.  Behind her is the original statue lantern.

ABOVE: Just me and the Statue of Liberty. It was SO cold and windy. Took forever to get a picture were my hairs was not flying in my face. BELOW: Cami and I sticking our heads out of the window in her hat at the very top! It was crazy high up!
Cami and I in front of the old flame. 

We climbed the the very top, here I am just proud that I made it.
Here is Nikki at the top, you cant see out the window but it was an amazing sight.

Here is a good one of the view of the island, but not really from the very top but hey... that is pretty amazing.

Cami striking a dramatic pose in front of the random statues on the island outside of the Statue of Liberty

Nicole and I love our statue so much!

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